Geoff’s Manifesto


Here’s what I know:

As a coach I guarantee to see more in you than you see yourself, and to champion that heart and motivation.

As a coach I guarantee to understand and tell you the truth about you and your business, no matter what

As a coach I guarantee I will help you grow your business and your life in whatever ways you wish, as long as you are willing to put in the effort. 

I guarantee confidentiality – I will never discuss your business or what you say in sessions – nor do I disclose who are my clients without their permission. 

I know each of us is inherently Basically Good – in our hearts we are kind, wise, creative, and strong.  Part of my job as a coach is to have you see that and experience it in yourself. 

I know the great difference between just making a living - and creating a rich and fulfilling life.  I want you to find that rich and fulfilling life on your own terms. 

I want my life to have a positive impact on the people I work with – and I want your life to have a positive impact on those you live and work with.     

I know there are times when I will experience doubt – and I know how to work with that.  I want to train you in that too.  The antidote to doubt is remembering your inherent Basic Goodness and in learning how to step across fear to take bold action.  Bold action is key to success and fulfillment. 

I know it’s less about getting it right and more about getting it started.  (Please read that again.) 

I know I need to have practices and positive habits in place each day, to keep me aligned with my goals and to bring maximum benefit to others. 

I know I need help with all that I wish to create – so my circle of colleagues and friends is essential. 

I know I need to activate my entrepreneurial spirit and take creative responsibility for what I do every day

I love to inspire others and have people transform themselves.  That’s what I’m here for.  That’s what I’m all about.  That’s the work I want to bring into the world

I know that each day of my life – as well as when I get to the end of it - I will have huge gratitude - and no regrets. 


Does this sound like we might be a match? 
If so, book an introductory session with me now.