Everyone Gets Stuck – and Everyone Needs Meaning

No matter how long you’ve been at your business – everyone gets stuck at some point.  You might be able to unstick and move forward again, but doing it alone will take a lot longer than it needs to!  Sometimes stuckness takes the form of boredom, lack of challenge, or lack of inspiration – “the same old grind”.  Even when things are going smoothly, repeating the formula over and over can become empty – empty “success”. This just isn’t enough.  Everyone needs meaning and purpose in life and business, as well as success. 

 That’s where I can help. 

What Coaching is:

Coaching with me is simply the two of us sharing a Zoom conversation where we talk about the obstacles you are facing and the progress you are making.  My job is to work with you so we are both clear on your goals, then listen, provide perspective, encourage you, and hold you accountable to the goals you have defined in any (or all) areas of your business and life.   

 I can’t tell you the things that are most important to you, but I can help you discover them.  I can’t tell you what you should be working on, but I can help you make progress on the priorities you define for yourself.  Most of all I will champion your brand of brilliance, that perhaps even you don’t see, and I will never let you denigrate yourself.  I often see my clients more clearly than they do themselves, particularly the greatness that seems to hover around them, waiting for the opportunity to be expressed.

 I coach because I won’t stand by as people fail to make the effort to define and live up to their dreams.  I won’t stand by as people follow their long outmoded habitual patterns and settle for the mediocre, when they are capable of bringing greater benefit to themselves and others.  I won’t stand by until I’ve helped everyone I can make the difference they yearn for - to help this precious world and all who live in it.   

Good coaching boils down to three things – Confidentiality, Partnership, and Commitment by both of us:

Confidentiality – you get to decide what comes out of coaching to be expressed in your life.  Good coaching provides you the opportunity to uncover, speak, and bring out all things you-related.  Outside the session I discuss nothing of my clients and nothing of what we discuss.  Ever. 

Partnership – We are a team.  You are the best expert on you in the world, and we both need that knowledge.  I’m here to draw it out, mirror it back to you, and call you forward.  I’m very good at that. 

Commitment – Both of us invest ourselves with an intention to work, in order to bridge from where you are to where you want to be.  It starts with you showing up.  It becomes unstoppable with your willingness to acknowledge your fear or vulnerability in order to be, do, or say the things you never have before. 

What Coaching is not:

Consulting – Consulting assumes an underlying expertise of known solutions, while coaching is inherently creative.  It is important that you help in forging the path forward as much as I do.  My experience is often useful to share – and share it I will, if you feel it is relevant, but most solutions will come from you – and I will help draw them out. 

Counselling or Therapy – Counsellors and therapists are sometimes very helpful.  We might have you turn to them if something comes up that requires emotional healing.  Many clients work with me in conjunction with a counsellor of therapist.  If anything outside my scope of practice and training comes up while we are working together, we’ll partner in finding a resource for you to get your needs met.  I’m here to help you get out of your own way and connect you with resources and insights that will help you gain clarity about, and take action on, the things that matter most to you. 

Coaching Packages:

Each of these packages and approaches are designed to help you achieve success and fulfillment in a manner that suits your situation. We discuss options in an introductory session - when you have had a look at the options I suggest below, lets talk about those that appeal to you!

The 90 Day Transformation - If you are motivated, this is the perfect length of time to institute the changes necessary to transform your behaviour and actions into those of your ideal. First we do a 90 minute discovery session; then we meet weekly for 30 minutes to keep you on track and to close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be. At the end of the 90 day period we meet for an hour to review progress and have you decide your next steps.

Steady Progress - Need to find your clear strategy and stick to it consistently? This package has us clarify your goals, design the strategy to get you there, and keep good accountability. Following our initial Discovery Session, we meet every two weeks for an hour to review, plan, and meet the steps you need as you go through your 6 months or one year of progress.

Monthly Sprint - This package is for those who need to make progress on multiple challenges but want to achieve significant goals each month in one or two specific areas. Here we are all about keeping you focussed, until the tasks are accomplished and the goal is reached. We meet weekly for 30 minutes and for an hour at the end of each month to set the strategy for the following month.

The Bigger Game - this package is about finding and launching your next major initiative. Perhaps you are in a situation that feels stale - and you feel the need to investigate and create alternative paths to bring more challenge, meaning, and excitement or joy to your life - your Bigger Game. We have you figure out what brings meaning and fulfillment and then take the bold actions necessary to open up your new path - taking action, assessing, taking further action to clarify and build what you need, to take your life in a direction of great fulfillment. The structure of this package will depend on your situation. We will design it together.

All packages include between-session support - text, email, phone - to help with any midstream decisions or with unexpected events.